SafeConsole allows creating reports by exporting devices and PortBlocker endpoints from SafeConsole in both XML and CSV formats. The reports include: assigned user, type, serial number, software version, and more information regarding each device.

To generate these reports execute the following steps:

1. Log in to SafeConsole as an admin with valid read permissions for all devices.

2. Navigate to Manage -> Drives from the left pane.

3. In the grey Drives table Click Options, then select Export from the dropdown.

4. Finally, select XML or CSV from the list

Please keep the following in mind when reviewing the reports:

  • A device status of VOID means that the device is Factory Reset
  • Not all custom device information (entered by the user during registration) may not be available for all devices, depending on the policy
  • Devices that are in the trash are not exported
  • PortBlocker instances need to be exported separately from the PortBlocker table using the same steps as above.