Custom policies can be assigned directly to individual users and devices, without changing the policy for the entire path. Custom policies can also be created for individual users and devices.

To assign a custom policy to a user:

  1. Navigate to the Users page, which can be found under Manage in the side menu.
  2. Click the affected user's name to open the User Details popup.
  3. Click the policy button.
  4. Edit the existing policy or create a new one for the affected user.

To assign a custom policy to an endpoint:

  1. Navigate to the Drives or PortBlocker page, which can both be found under Manage in the side menu.
  2. For drives, click the Serial Number to open the Device Details popup.
  3. For PortBlocker, click the Computer Name to open the Endpoint Details popup.
  4. Click the policy button.
  5. Edit the existing policy or create a new one for the affected user.