This article pertains to any devices running the Unified Client 6.x while managed.
Reset with SafeConsole
1. Navigate to Drives from the SafeConsole dashboard:
2. Select the serial number of the drive in the drives table:
3. In the new dialogue box, change the Status to Factory Reset
4. Plug in the drive and launch the Unlocker. The Unlocker will pull the factory reset command* and reset the drive:
Be sure to click the OK button before unplugging the device.
5. Re-insert the device and run the Unlocker. Follow the on-screen prompts to reinitialize the drive.
Reset with Unlocker
NOTE: Resetting devices from the Unlocker is only possible if the following policy setting is unchecked in SafeConsole:
1. Plug in the device and run the Unlocker.
2. From your machine's system tray, locate the Unlocker icon and right-click, revealing this context menu:
Choose Reset Device.
3. Enter the number sequence as prompted to confirm the factory reset:
4. Be sure to click the OK button before unplugging the device.
*Device must have an active connection to SafeConsole in order to pull this command.