* Please download and install the latest SafeConsole version to be able to use this guide.

** If you reached this page because online activation is not working and you can reach the activation server at https://wyday.com, you may have used all of your available activations.  Please review this article on how to properly deactivate your old installs,  you may also submit a new ticket to our support team to deactivate activations on computers you can no longer access.

Open up the License Activator in your SafeConsole Start menu folder

Enter your Product Key

If you have access to the internet, SafeConsole will activate successfully.  

If you are behind a proxy or firewall, you will need to make an exception for the license activation traffic to reach "wyday.com" on port 443.

If you are still unable to activate it after adjusting your network settings, you may use the offline activation method.   You should see a link that states, "Generate offline activation request file."

Email the generated xml file in an archived format to [email protected] with a subject line of SafeConsole Activation Request. 

Someone from our support team will respond back with an Activation Response File. 

Once you receive your response file, click Activate from Offline activation response file and select the file that was given to you by support.

Your SafeConsole will then be activated. 

You may need to restart the SafeConsole service if your license does not show up right away. An easy way to do this is to simply run through the SafeConsole Configurator.