
  • Back up data on the flash drive (formatting erases everything).

  • Windows PC with administrator access.


  1. Setup the K350 as normal.

    1. If SafeConsole is enabled on the device, Standalone Logins must be enabled.

  2. Unlock the K350 in Standalone mode (SafeConsole) or Boot Mode (Unmanaged).

  3. Run PowerShell as administrator.

  4. Identify the drive letter: Type get-volume to list all devices. Identify the DriveLetter and FriendlyName of the K350.

  5. Format the drive: Type format /FS:FAT32 X: (replace X with your drive letter) and press Enter.

  6. Confirm format: Confirm the current volume label to ensure you format the correct drive. Then type “Y” to start formatting.



  • Enter the drive letter correctly to avoid formatting the wrong drive.

  • PowerShell doesn't offer "quick format" for FAT32 formatting on large drives.